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Database Management & List Procurement

A well-designed strategy for building a mailing list is the key to a successful Direct Mail Marketing campaign. There are two main categories of mailing lists. The first is a “house” list, which you build yourself from contact information and other data you collect from customers and prospects. The second is a “rental” list, which is compiled by a list service company using select demographics and propensities you choose that mirror your best customers. You can rent the list for one mailing or multiple mailings.

The House List

At its simplest, a house list is a collection of names and addresses of your customers, and prospects who have indicated an interest in your products or services. The keys to building a valuable house list are to keep it accurate and up-to-date. As a list becomes older, it becomes increasingly inaccurate and ineffective. Update your house list frequently. Errors from outdated information can come across as insensitive and may even damage your relationship with your customer.

The Rental List

Use MPX’s list brokering services when you need to go outside your company for a mailing list that meets the needs of your direct mail campaign. We will research lists to identify the ones that will work best for you and make arrangements for you to rent the list from the list owner. Thousands of lists are available, and we know how to make the task of selecting the right mailing list for you much easier. You can target prospects by age, income level, or credit score, or sometimes drill down to specifics like the kind of car they drive, restaurants they like, or brands they favor.

The Response List

A response list is a list of people who have made purchases of specific items or responded to particular offers. So if you manufacture home gardening tools, you might look to rent a customer list from a seed company.

The Specialty List

Specialty lists support niche marketing that targets specific markets, vocations, or trade industry, like attorneys or Chamber of Commerce members. These lists contain people who share particular interests or purchasing habits — for example, people in Minneapolis who have purchased a Mercedes Benz in the past three years. These lists are usually privately owned, and the owner may require that the renters meet specific criteria to use the list.

To learn more about Database Management and Mailing List Procurement, click on the image below to download our Direct Mail Guide or Contact Us.

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